I have a blog!
Hello. Welcome. I have a blog now.
For those of you who follow me on social media or know me from other parts of my life, it’s great to have you here. Thank you.

Most of the way I have been connecting with people over the past many years has been on social media. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know quite a bit about my life because I share a lot. It’s actually a little weird to run into people in the real world now, because everyone kind of knows what I’ve been up to.
I mean, I don’t share everything, but I do open the door to conversations and I love to hear from you. My bout with shingles was titillating to a lot of people – you guys had a lot of kind words and advice for me. Same when I was going through vertigo. Most of you were supportive and lovely when I had cosmetic surgery a couple of years ago, but I did also hear from a small number of people who took issue with my personal decision about my body, which is a story for another day.
No matter how you got here, I’m glad you did and so let me just start with the bottom line. I have a lot more to say than what you see on social media.

If you follow me already, then you’ve seen me review some of the (stupid) beauty trends on TikTok, and divulge my hair color secrets, and make some (hopefully witty and poignant ;) observations about the challenges of aging in a culture that values youth above all. I talk about the products in my own line, and sometime the products in other people’s, I complain about how massive my boobs have grown in the last 10 years and occasionally I’ll post a controversial political opinion because some things are just more important to me than losing Instagram followers.
And once in a while I might talk about how outraged I am by celebrity culture and how women in that industry struggle to age how they choose without being put under a microscope. And sometimes I put them under the microscope myself.
So back to that bottom line. I have more to say about all of the above than I can convey in a short video or long caption on Instagram. And truthfully, I would rather write about those opinions then shoot a longer form video to share on YouTube, partly because I have no idea how to use YouTube and partly because shooting videos is a huge time suck and writing comes to me more easily than being on camera (which I know might come as a surprise.)
Anyway, what I plan to do here on my blog is get more in depth with some of the things I talk about on social media, and a bunch of new topics I don’t. Not that my opinion is the be all and end all, but I promise to be honest and transparent in the conveyance of my thoughts and you can take them as you will.

I want to talk more about makeup, aesthetics and procedures. That might mean about my own experiences and new products or services I am trying, or it could be interviews with physicians or other practitioners to pick their brains.
I plan to write about the beauty industry and how it works, from the brand side, the PR side, the retail side and the editorial side. There’s some fascinating stuff behind the scenes that you might not know about but would find of interest.
I want to get deeper into conversations about aging, generational differences and cultural beauty standards.
Maybe you’ll hear me talk about my family. Or my friends (generally, never specifically). Or the challenges of running a small beauty brand.
And maybe I’ll talk about my boobs some more. I mean, they are a PROMINENT feature in my life and demand a lot of attention.
Mostly, I want you to feel than you can come here to get honest thoughts, without an agenda, and without the constraints of social media. And of course my comments section will always be open.
Like I said, welcome. I am glad you’re here.
PS – Everything I write will take less than 5 minutes to read. Time is a precious commodity. That also means that I’m not going to spend huge chunks of my time writing and proof reading, so please forgive typos, errors and grammatical messes.